Radio solutions is certified with many independent 3rd party organizations such as UKAS and are also members of groups ADS alongside being a platinum channel partner with Motorola solutions.
Below are links to the partners and accreditations asscaoted with the company which you can view for more information.
Motorola Platinum Partner
Radio solutions has a strong relationship with Motorola Solutions, being awarded the highest tier of Platinum channel status we are among the most accomplished and largest of the partners, having achieved and grown our Motorola Solutions business most significantly.
ISO 9001
Radio Solutions ISO 9001 accredited and has been certified by ACM a UKAS management systems certified body.
ADS Member
Radio soltuions is a member of ADS a Premier Trade Organisation for companies in the UK Aerospace, Defence, Security and Space Sectors.
Bristih Apco member
British Association of Public Safety Communications Officials, British APCO (previously known as BAPCO) is now acknowledged as the leading UK based Association in the British Isles for all professionals in public safety and civil contingencies communications and information systems.
FCS Member
FCS is the not-for-profit industry association for companies which deliver professional voice and data communications solutions to business and public sector customers in the UK.